On 10 February 2016 the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2265 (2016) addressing the Darfur-conflict. While lamenting the deteriorating situation and the lack of progress, the Security Council failed to address the conflict in a meaningful way.

The Security Council is long aware of the deteriorating situation in Darfur. When the ICC prosecutor reported on the deteriorating situation in Darfur last December (here), she illustrated the situation by detailing incidents involving possible crimes. In Januar 2016, UNAMID reported back to the Council, also outlining a worsening situation (here). In addition, calls to postpone a scheduled referendum in April are publicized on an almost daily basis (here also).

Consequently, the Security Council determined that the “situation in Sudan constitutes a threat to international peace and security”.

With res. 2265 (2016), the Council extended the mandate of the panel of experts created by res. 1591 (2005) until March 2017. The panel is tasked to report to the Council and update it on recent developments. Fulfilling this task the experts regularly report a lack of cooperation by Sudan and other states – something that experts, who are not members of the panel, agree with.

As in the past, the Security Council did not address this situation in a meaningful way. No further measure was taken by the Council except the extension of the mandate. With regard to the arms embargo, travel bans and targeted sanctions, the Security Council expresses its concern for the lack of cooperation by Sudan and other states. It reminds the states of their obligations to fulfill previous resolutions.

In short, res. 2265 (2016) brings nothing new except an extension of the mandate of the panel of experts.

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