Every six months, the Prosecutor of the ICC reports to the UN Security Council on the Darfur-situation. Every six months, the Prosecutor brings no news and repeats her calls for help. Every six months, the members of the Security Council agree and disagree on her report and criticism, albeit they agree to not act upon her calls. In June 2016, the Prosecutor delivered her 23rd report about the situation in Darfur. And very similar to the 22nd report (here) she cannot deliver real news; too few developments took place while “grave crimes continue to be committed in Darfur” (Statement of the ICC Prosecutor). Den Rest des Artikels lesen >

On 10 February 2016 the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2265 (2016) addressing the Darfur-conflict. While lamenting the deteriorating situation and the lack of progress, the Security Council failed to address the conflict in a meaningful way. Den Rest des Artikels lesen >